Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is a special day when families gather to share a wonderful day together. It is when we can put aside our differences and appreciate the many blessings of the year.

I will be spending the day at Robs, my son, house with his family and many friends.

Stephanie, my daughter-in-law, does the bulk of the cooking and she is a wonderful cook. Rob and Stephanie have a system of preparing holiday meals and the food is always great.

There will be turkey, dressing, candied yams, mashed potatoes, gravy, collard greens and more. I am bringing a Chocolate Cheesecake this year. It is different for me so I hope they don't miss the usual veggie platter.

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 3 Elections

This is really late to be posting this message, but I certainly hope you are voting on Tuesday. The election in my area is for our U.S. Congressman. We do not have a working representative as Ellen Tauscher has been apointed Under Secretary of State with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This is a very important election on the Federal level.

The person I am supporting is Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi for U.S. Congress. He was the Insurance Commissioner in California for two terms and he helped set a higher standard for the insurance companies. They do not like him and he knows it.

The official results indicate that we have elected Congressman John Garamendi. Now the work begins. We need to remind him that we are in this community. All the elected officials have offices in other cities but not this one. This is the county seat and there should be an office here.

This is not to minimize the local elections. It is very important to be involved with your local officials. I can't stress this enough. There were absolutely no changes on the City Council. We elected Catherine Moy and John Mraz.

Remember: We are the change we voted for.

November 3,2009

I voted before noon and that is a good thing. Voter turnout is, as expected, low. Wish we could say more voters participated.

Thank you for participating.